Listserv & Database

Listserv membership is available to Arkansas School Counseling Association members. Listserv membership is not automatic; you must follow the instructions for submitting your application and once your membership to ArSCA has been verified you will be approved. Membership to ArSCA must be renewed yearly in order to continue listserv membership.

Other individuals may be allowed to post to the listserv upon approval from the Tech Team. However, this does not mean the individual is allowed membership. The tech team will approve the post so it can be posted for all to see. Example- outside agencies needing help with research, companies wanting to provide information/product specific to counseling, or colleges who want information/programs posted.

Some individuals from state departments have also been given access to the listserv in order to help answer questions specific to the counseling area, such as Triand and ADHE.

Guidelines for Posting:

  1. The ArSCA listserv was created so that counselors in Arkansas could collaborate and communicate with each other. We have continued to keep that goal as the primary purpose of the listserv.
  2. The ArSCA listserv is also provided as part of the professional organization representing school counselors in the state of Arkansas
  3. The ArSCA listserv will use the Arkansas Code of Ethics as its guide for all postings

If a post is deemed inappropriate or unethical, the poster will be contacted and may be removed from listserv. Removal from the listserv will require ArSCA board approval.

We suggest that you use caution and discretion when posting a student’s name to the listserv, by only posting the students name, grade level and if needed the school that is looking for him/her. We recognize that there are MANY benefits to being able to post a search for a student to the listserv, but no comments about the student, ssn or state id number, or other concerns should be posted. Remember ANYONE can print out any posting made to the listserv or forward the email. We want to make sure the privacy of all students and student information is paramount when searching for a student.

Appropriate: If you have an 8th grade student by the name of John Smith who has recently enrolled at your school please contact me

Inappropriate: John Smith just left our school a week ago and the police are looking for him. Have any of you seen him?

Inappropriate: Have any of you enrolled John Smith ssn 44422333?

Inappropriate: John Smith has left and reenrolled at our school I think 5 times already this school year. Has he landed at any of your schools yet?


How do I sign up?

*Note: If your e-mail address changes, you will no longer receive listserv postings. You can either go to the link to change your information; you will have to know the password that you setup originally-we cannot look that up (at the end of the month you get an automated message telling you your listserve username and password):
OR you can resubscribe to the listserve with your new email address. We (ArSCA Technology Team) can not change your address for you; you have to change it or resubscribe. When you resubscribe we will verify that you are either a school counselor or ArSCA member prior to approving your subscription application.