On behalf of the ArSCA board, I want to thank you all for the outpouring of support shown during this transition time.  We have been receiving questions regarding membership, ArCA fall conference, and the listserv. This is in response to questions school counselors are having during this transition.


The listserv is run by ArSCA.  Therefore, if you are currently subscribed to the listserv, you will not be affected in anyway.  To assist school counselors during this time, we have opened the listserv to all school counselors until July 1, 2016.  The only requirement is that you are currently an active school counselor, a retired school counselor, or a student in a verified school counseling program.  If you wish to subscribe to the ArSCA listerv, you will need to submit the ArSCA membership form prior to subscribing (see membership link below).  To subscribe to the school counselor listserv click here.

Fall Conference

The Fall Conference is run by ArCA.  ArSCA is no longer affiliated with it in any way therefore, you will need to contact them.


This area has been the most asked about.  Some questions are as follows:

I’ve already joined ArCA, am I a member of ArSCA too?

No, but never fear!  You may join ArSCA as well by following the Membership Registration Form (link below).

Is there one membership form or two?

You have a choice.  ArSCA is independent; we will have our own membership card. You will receive a unique membership ID number and card once you complete the Membership Registration Form (link below).  We can only speak for the ArSCA membership process.

How much are ArSCA dues?

To accommodate school counselors, the board voted to change the ArSCA membership timeline to July 1 – June 30, which will be our fiscal year.   Your ArSCA board does not want any school counselor displaced.  As a result, all acting school counselors, retired school counselors, and students in a school counseling program may become ArSCA members.   Your membership will run Sept 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016.  All at NO COST!Yes, you read that correctly, there will not be a membership fee for the remaining time in this ArSCA fiscal year!  You will need to check with ArCA regarding their dues.  Information about the 2016-2017 membership will be available on the website by January 1, 2016.

How do I join ArSCA?

To become an ArSCA member and receive all the membership benefits, click here to join ArSCA or print a Membership Registration Form.  But, we need your help. Spread the word to your counselor friends.  We want all school counselors across the state to be connected.  If you know a school counselor who has not subscribed to the listserv, please forward them this e-mail so they may reap the no cost benefits of being an ArSCA member.  Together, we are “One Vision – One Voice”.

On behalf of the 2015-2016 ArSCA Board,

Tahnee Bowen

2015-16 ArSCA President